Women in Tech Journey

The Journey of Women in Tech: A Personal and Global Perspective

The evolution of women in tech has been a remarkable journey, shaped by societal shifts, personal ambition, and changing roles in both the home and workplace. My journey into this field, like so many others, was driven by a passion for problem-solving, independence, and the desire to break free from traditional expectations. This path has taken me through the world of computer science, artificial intelligence, and beyond, giving me a unique perspective on the challenges women face in the tech industry, both globally and in India.

My Early Steps: A Love for Technology

My own journey began in school when I had to choose between chemistry and computer science. Drawn to the endless possibilities of technology, I chose the latter, and that decision laid the foundation for my future career. It was a pivotal moment—one that would take me through years of academic achievement, including multiple degrees and research projects, all centered on my growing passion for AI.

The turning point in my tech journey came in 2015 when I read a study predicting the rise of artificial intelligence. This revelation ignited my passion, and since then, I have immersed myself in the field, culminating in publishing research on historical character recognition using AI techniques.

Women in Tech: Global and Indian Context

Women in Tech Global Context

On a broader scale, the challenges women face in tech are profound. Globally, women are underrepresented in STEM fields, and in countries like India, practical learning opportunities are scarce. Historically, women were seen primarily as homemakers, while men took on the role of the provider. But as women increasingly sought financial independence and personal fulfillment, these roles began to change.

However, this shift has introduced new pressures. Where once society expected women to manage the household, today they are also expected to succeed professionally. Balancing both roles is a constant struggle, and while men have begun to share in household duties, the reality is that women often bear the greater burden.

In India, this challenge is particularly pronounced. Opportunities for women to gain practical, hands-on experience in tech are limited, and many women find themselves having to navigate a complex system of societal expectations and professional demands. Despite this, women continue to push forward, breaking barriers and proving that they are more than capable of excelling in the tech industry.

Changing Roles: Expectations in Modern Society

Changing Roles in Society

One of the most significant changes in society today is the expectation that women must not only be good homemakers but also successful professionals. This shift has redefined the roles of men and women, with men increasingly taking on household chores, yet still expecting their partners to contribute financially.

In reality, this dual expectation often leads to women shouldering more responsibility, both at home and in the workplace. The pressure to perform in both spheres can take a toll on a woman's health—both physically and mentally—especially in situations where couples live alone or with in-laws, making it even more difficult to strike a balance.

Work-Life Balance: Learning from Leaders

Work-Life Balance

A critical point in this ongoing discussion comes from Indra Nooyi, the former CEO of PepsiCo, who emphasized the importance of balancing career and family. Nooyi pointed out that many women who leave their careers to focus entirely on raising their children often end up regretting it later on, especially when their children grow up and leave home. On the other hand, women who continue to work while managing their families tend to have fewer regrets, even though they may face disappointment—whether it's missing an important day in their child’s life or arriving home late when their children are already asleep.

Nooyi’s insights suggest that the solution isn’t to abandon a career but to find a way to balance both family and professional life. She advocates for restructuring work schedules for both men and women, allowing them to share responsibilities more equally. This approach to work-life balance is vital, not only for individual satisfaction but for long-term career sustainability. The reality is that there will always be moments of disappointment—whether at work or at home—but finding a balance is the key to minimizing regret.

What Women Need in a Partner

In an ideal world, women need partners who are supportive in all aspects of life. A true gentleman isn’t just someone who contributes financially but one who understands the emotional and mental needs of his partner. Women in tech, or any career, need someone who values them not just for their ability to bring in income but for their passion and ambitions.

  • A man with a heart larger than his ego—someone who values kindness, respect, and understanding over material success.
  • A partner who can thrive without depending on her income, focusing on mutual support and love.
  • Passion, talent, and knowledge—qualities that enable growth, resilience, and a shared vision for the future.

Building Support Networks and Communities

One of the most important aspects of my journey has been the support I’ve found within women’s tech communities. In college, I joined several women-in-tech groups, where I found a network of like-minded women facing similar challenges. Organizations like Women Techmakers (WTM) have played a crucial role in helping women in tech find mentorship, resources, and practical learning opportunities.

I encourage young women entering the field to join such communities. The power of a supportive network cannot be underestimated, and it’s essential to have a group of people who understand the unique struggles you may face as a woman in a male-dominated field.

Final Thoughts: My Journey and Looking Forward

Looking back, my journey has been one of persistence, passion, and a deep love for technology. I’ve worked hard to earn multiple degrees, published research, and found opportunities to apply my skills in real-world settings. But more than that, I’ve remained committed to advocating for women in tech, particularly those in countries like India, where the challenges are even more pronounced.

As Indra Nooyi so wisely pointed out, work-life balance is critical. Women shouldn’t feel the need to sacrifice their careers for family or vice versa. The real challenge is creating environments—both at home and in the workplace—where men and women can equally share the responsibilities of both. Restructuring schedules, finding flexible work hours, and building support systems are crucial steps toward a future where women don’t have to choose between their dreams and their families.

The journey for women in tech is one of resilience, strength, and constant growth. With each step forward, we’re not only breaking barriers for ourselves but also for the generations of women who will come after us. Women in tech deserve not just a seat at the table but the recognition and respect for their talents, skills, and contributions.


  • Nooyi, I. (2021). My Life in Full: Work, Family, and Our Future. Penguin Random House. Indra Nooyi’s memoir provides insights into balancing career and family, highlighting how women who maintain their careers tend to have fewer regrets, even when they face challenges in managing work and personal life.
  • Women Techmakers (WTM). (2020). Empowering Women in Technology. Retrieved from https://www.womentechmakers.com. This global initiative offers resources and support for women pursuing careers in technology, which aligns with the encouragement in your article for women to join communities for networking and practical learning.

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About Author

Tech enthusiast and passionate writer— Find me at Medium, https://medium.com/@aisujata